S. VIETNAM 1968-1969
My curiosity to experience a war, drove me to the war in South Vietnam. Was war like in the Hollywood movies? I walked into Vietnam on February 14, during the Tet Offensive. Two months later I had a job as a sound-man for UPI-television news and I got to see war up close. Three months later I made a test film, was hired and became a cameraman. I obtained a Nikon F with 105mm lens from Dana Stone, a photojournalist and good friend. I started to sell my film to ABC TV: combat footage US $75,- non-combat US 50,- still photos to UPI US$ 5,- they bought the film/negatives and no credit as a free-lancer. That was the start of my career as a photojournalist. I preferred still photography over camera work since I think it was more of a challenge and gave me more independence. Different times…Insane times.
Still in Cambodia, near Bavet a couple of km from the border(Taken with Minox-B 8mm)
Vietnam-Cambodia, Mộc Bài-Bavet Border Crossing (Taken with Minox-B 8mm)
the bridge at the Vam Co Dong River, Go Dau Ha (Taken with Minox-B 8mm)
With 16 mm Bell & Howell ©Dana Stone
©Dana Stone
With my first Nikon F with 105 mm lens, I had traded with Dan Stone ©Yvon Cornu
Dana (American photojournalist) and Louise Stone, Chas G and Ib Heller (Danish camera man UPI-tn) ©Unknown
A medevac helicopter landing to pick up wounded.
A raincoat
Moving a village. The area had been declared a 'Free Fire Zone' (=Kill anything that moves)
Moving a village (The area had been declared a 'Free Fire Zone')
Understandably: No smiles
Circle Sportive, Saigon, a different life. (Minox-B)
Circle Sportive, Saigon (Minox-B)
Yes, I got to experience what bombing and strafing a village is like. A selfie with Minox-B camera. Vietnam was insanity! Makes you think of 'Apocalypse Now' ?