English Edition U.S.A

English Edition U.K

“I must say that I don’t remember many of the things talked about in this text quite in the same way. I do realize that our memories are not really reliable as I have been shocked in the past that things weren’t the way I thought they were. That is my thinking about some of the things I just read in this book — but the text is not what’s important as Chas' stunning photos, that bring back the experience.” -Francis Ford Coppola

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Spanish Edition

English edition

Winner: Best Photobook, FELIFA 2023, International category.

German Photo Book Award 2024; Silver, in the category: documentary photography.


‘The Wonderful and Strange Life of Chas Gerretsen’

At the moment, only available in the Dutch language, straight from the publisher Boom.nl or through Amazon in the following countries:

The Netherlands



