1973-1974 Santiago, Chile. Daily Life
President Salvador Allende Gossens was the democratically elected socialist president of Chile from 1970 until his death during the US backed military coup d’état on September 11, 1973.
The almost daily riots: Left against Right
The extreme Right.
The Tacazo. June 29, 1973.
Beginning and end of the the Tacazo. June 29, 1973. (Failed Coup d'état)
A farmer hands President Allende a potato. A bag was too heavy.
In the early morning of September 11, 1973, General Augusto Pinochet with three military co-conspirators, overthrew the democratically elected socialist government of President Salvador Allende, in a violent coup d'état. The president did not survive the attack.
This image was taken on September 18, 1973, one week after the coup, in the Catholic church: ‘Iglesia de la Gratitude Nacional’ in Santiago.
Around 07:30 in the morning of Sept. 11, 1973
And the National Congress was closed.
And the stock market was open again.
And the shoe shines were back.