In my youth, I was addicted to Hollywood adventure films. One of the movies which had fascinated me, was ‘Bridge over the River Kwai.’ After I had visited the 'Death Railway’ war cemetery in Kanchanaburi Thailand, I wanted to see what was left of this infamous railway. Burma was closed to tourism so the only way in, was with one of the rebel groups fighting the central government. This is what I saw when I crossed with the ‘Democratic Burmese Army’ from Thailand into Burma. (Myanmar)
General Bo Yan Naing.
Following the track of the Burmese 'Death Railway'.
The pro U NU Democratic Burmese Army.
1967 Burma. Karen girl smoking cheroot.
Most of the bridges had been blown up by the end of WW2.
Smuglers. From Burma to Thailand.
Many women, children and old people, the young men all seemed to carry weapons.
And everybody was smoking cheroots.
All the different nationalities: the Karen, the Shan, the Kachin, etc. in Burma wanted independence.
A cheroot stall.
Following the railway tracks
Following the tracks
Transport between villages.
Railway tracks, not likely to be ever used.
Village entertainment
The Mauchang bridge, full of bullet holes and shrapnel marks..
We went for a swim. All that history.