Bali (1971)
Bali 1971, What better place to keep your money?
Satisfaction, Bali 1971
Bali 1971 , terraced rice paddies.
Planting rice.
Getting together before a cockfight
1971, What more could a Balinese man wish for, to own a fighting cock and a bottle of fermented coconut sap.
Fermented coconut sap. Bali 1971.
In 1971, all the religious ceremonies where free in Bali and anybody could attend.
In 1971, all the religious ceremonies where free in Bali and anybody could attend.
In 1971 there were never more than 30 (usually naked) hippies on the beach in Kuta. In 1976, never less than 3000.
Baking salt, a salt farm in Bali, 1971. Usually worked by women or children.
Stoking the fire under the salt pan
Shifting the cooking salt in the salt pan. Hot and exhausting work, done mainly by women and children.
Bali 1971. Life was hard for girls, you work and look after your siblings. But these children were nearly always smiling.
Carrying the wet salt sludge from the salt flats.
Young and pregnant.
Carrying the wet salt sludge from the salt flats.
1971 A village at the bottom of a volcano where the ground was too hard to dig; therefore those who have passed are 'buried' above ground. A bamboo cage protects them from being devoured by wild animals.
Burial ground.